After the disruption of previous Mansfield Shows it was a great feeling to be back at the Central & Upper Goulburn Group finals on April 21 at Seymour with several entries including our junior and rural ambassadors. The Mansfield A&P Society was vying with nine other show societies for the opportunity to compete in the VAS Ltd state finals at the Melbourne Royal as well as other non-VAS categories. Representing Mansfield in the junior ambassador was Jess Andrews who was runner-up to Yea's Claire Noonan. Mansfield's Nicci Teitge will represent us at the Royal Melbourne in September, so we look forward to that. This year Mansfield didn't succeed in the cookery classes despite several entries. In the needlework Sonia Lewis won the VAS Cross Stitch group final and her beautiful work will travel to Melbourne for the state finals. Our local quilter Kath Mahoney was placed second in the VAS Patchwork which was a great effort. In the group only qualifier young Jack Hurley from Samaria took out prize money and a sash for Best Pet Rock Under 14. To our other exhibitors well done on making it to the group final and we look forward to seeing your entries for the 2024 Mansfield Show on November 16. It was also excellent to have several Mansfield people travel to Seymour and join us for lunch. A big thank you to the Central & Upper Goulburn Group for organising everything. It was much appreciated.
10/5/2019 1 Comment Group final results for MansfieldThe Central & Upper Goulburn Agricultural Societies Group final is over for another year. A big thank you to the hardworking organisers and especially to our local exhibitors who had entries at the judging on Saturday, April 27th at Seymour. We can't all be winners but it is wonderful to see the quality of entries across all shows including Mansfield. We were thrilled with how our Junior Ambassador Connie Jacotine conducted herself in a tight competition. It was a good learning experience for her and we are sure she will be back.
Although we missed out on getting through to the Royal Melbourne Show, we did pick up prizes as follows: Judith McRobert Memorial Essay - First - Erin Andrews, VAS Ltd. Junior Photography 18 Years and Under -Second- Harry Bell, Three Decorated Cup Cakes 14 Years and Under - Second - Olivia Monichino and Hand-Made Card 14 Years and Under - Second - Daina Harrop. Well done to all our winners. We will be in touch with all of you to organise the return of your items. Looking forward to the 2019 Mansfield Show and all your new entries. Many thanks! 4/6/2018 1 Comment Group final winnersSix Mansfield locals were among a competitive field at the Victorian Agricultural Society's Central & Upper Goulburn Group final held on April 14, at Seymour. Winners from last year's Mansfield Show VAS categories were invited to enter. Taking out first prize in the Spotlight Sewing Competition was our own Anne Ware with her tote bag. Ann pictured with her sash also won a $50 cash prize and the right to exhibit at the Royal Melbourne Show in September. Two of our younger exhibitors, Olivia Monichino won a second place with her decorated cup cakes and Talia Appleton was awarded a red sash as well for her essay on why country life was better than city life. Congratulations to all who entered. Hope to see your new entries at the 2018 Mansfield Show.